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the revelation of Papa

This book was born in the heart of God.  

In 2016, I attended a three-month retreat at Great Barrier Island, New Zealand with FatherHeart Ministries.  I returned home, full of raw creative energy and a desire to share with my 6 grandkids, in a child-like way, what Father God did in my heart during these 3 months.  Papa Love flowed out of my heart effortlessly and I planned it to be the perfect home-made Christmas gift for my grandkids;  what I didn't know at the time (and never imagined would happen) is that  the Father’s  intention was to publish this work and make it available for kids all around the world.

The final product became a reflection of my identity as a daughter of God through Jesus, and my calling and giftings.

Since becoming a Christian in 1992, I have been passionate about the cross and what Jesus did for humanity , and it is this passion that compels me to share the gospel with everybody around me at all times. As such, I became what the bible calls an evangelist.

I know that I have had an artist inside me ever since I can remember, yet she could never express herself in the way she truly desired.  When I graduated from high school, my mother wanted me to become a lawyer and I followed suit, and thus I pushed away that creative part of myself. I have spent many decades of my life grieving the artist in my and trying to find other ways to express that part of myself.


It wasn't until those 3 months in New Zealand that God did his healing work in me.  During that encounter with my heavenly Father, he brought to the surface the most hidden parts of my  inner being, where my true identity is, and I finally discovered who I am as His daughter and how much He loves me.

He restored the artist in my and Papa Love came out of that healing encounter.

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